
Showing posts from December, 2019


  December 31, 2019 THE NEW YEAR DAWNS AND WE PONDER GOALS By Judge David Langham There is a circle of stones in England, Stonehenge, which was constructed about 5,000 years ago. The pyramids in Egypt are similarly ancient. Around the time of Christ, someone constructed pictures in the ground south of Lima Peru. These “Nazca Lines” depict various shapes and can only be fully appreciated from altitude. These sites are all visited, studied, and written about. They are among the wonders in our world. What they all have in common, though, is that they are the result of someone’s efforts and they have stood the test of time.   We personally pale by comparison; we perhaps daydream from time to time about our futures. But, for the most part we each become ensconced in our days’ activities. In the realm of workers’ compensation, it is likely that at least once in a while our daily tasks include mundane, repetitive, and mindless tasks. The world is full of those despite the best efforts of tech