February 19, 2019 “EVIL PREVAILS WHEN GOOD MEN FAIL TO ACT.” By Judge David Langham There are great failings in our world. Some are the result of malfeasance, that is, people doing bad things. Some are misfeasance, people failing to do things in an appropriate manner. And, some failings are the simple result of all of us being way too busy, too involved, and thus spread too thin, distracted, and frankly exhausted. Edmund Burke, a champion of conservative thought , said that “ evil prevails when good men fail to act .” Undoubtedly, there is not one among us that is doing all we can, every day, to make this world a better place (O . K . , perhaps Captain America, Wonder Woman, etc., but you get the picture). In September, the Comp Laude ® will convene in Huntington Beach, California. Through its iterations in Burbank, San Diego, and now Huntington Beach, the Laude strives to act, to do good, and to recognize the multitude of workers’ compen...