
Showing posts from November, 2018


  November 21, 2018 THE SPIRIT OF THE HOLIDAY? By Judge David Langham We pause this week to give thanks. As I sat to pen this piece, I asked myself for what am I thankful? That is easy to answer in so many personal ways. If I could channel the open-book frankness of David DePaolo, I would share all of those personal feelings. But, alas, I am instead both shy and private. For me, sharing of my non-professional life is exceedingly rare, and is not forthcoming today. As to why I am professionally thankful, instead of personally though, I will strive to express myself. But first, I digress in the spirit of the holiday. The first Thanksgiving was in 1621, as the legend goes. According to the  History Channel , “colonists and Wampanoag Indians shared an autumn harvest feast that is acknowledged today as one of the first Thanksgiving celebrations.” That was almost 400 years ago, and perhaps the upcoming 400th celebration will require a commemoration that is exceptional? You know, perhaps for